A Dirge

This dirge is written for the loss of the movie reviews that are no longer a part of my files. My computer craved the capacity to download papers and files for my seminars at The Union Institute and University. It, the computer, got wild because it ran out of places to put the words, the pictures, and other characters.

The reviews dated back to 2013 so I haven’t, as of yet, deleted any recent reviews. And I will probably write another or two. But this dirge it for those that were crushed by the computer. Ever heard the sound of the waste bin? Like broken glass when it deletes a file. No trumpets or horns or drums or silent marchers, just a sound like broken glass.

Author: mitchellworksweb

Lana Jean Mitchell is a writer. She writes poetry, books and movies reviews, short stories and essays. She wrote a movie review blog for more than a year, and currently has an author's blog, Mitchellworksweb.com. She's on social media, Facebook, twitter, linked-in, goodreads, google+ and of course amazon.com. Visit her with a tweet, a comment, and/or a Goodreads review of her children's diversity, indie published book A Birthday Story.

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